Egyptians performed multiplying and dividing, by doubling and also halving. They introduced the earliest fully developed base 10 numeration system. The Egyptians used the Akhmim Wooden Tablet (AWT), which lists 5 divisions of a unit called a hekat. Two number systems were used in Ancient Egypt. One was written in hieroglyphs. The second number system was written as a digital system. It was a one-number-to-one-symbol system, and it was completely different from the hieroglyphic system.
Egyptian multiplication was done by repeated doubling of the number. The number 1, would have the multiplicand written next to it. Then, it was added to itself, and the number 2 would have the result written next to it. They would continue the process until the doublings gave a number greater than half of the multiplier. Then, they would repeatedly subtract the doubled numbers from the multiplier, to select which of the results of the existing calculations should be added together to create the answer.
For example:
As you can all see, Egyptian Mathematics is way different than the kind of math we use today. Well, that's all I have for u guys. I hope, that all of you have learned something from my post.
****I choose Eunice Cadao, to be the next scribe.****